Monday, 23 March 2015

Life in Slums

The parts of the cities, where these slums are located, are quit congested as they are over populated. The conditions of the slum areas in metropolitan cities have deteriorated to such an extent due to the high density of population.

The lanes are narrow and the houses are nothing but a single room tenement without the facilities of an open courtyard or an enclosure, thus depriving the people of natural gifts like sunshine and air.
In such areas, people use common latrines and water taps. Some of the slum areas do not even have single rooms, they are thick clusters of small, the roofs.

Sometimes 10 to 12 people live, eat and sleep in the same room. The streets are narrow and the sewage water stagnates in open surface drains. Living conditions in many urban slums are worse than those in the poorest rural areas of the country.
Slum life is animated by a strong sense of joie de vivre. 

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