Monday, 23 March 2015


Delhi is all about the glits and glamour- what with the fast emerging metro networks, malls, muliplexes, restaurants and brands. However the underbelly shows the other side too where a large number of people live in inhuman conditions and are seen fighting for survival. 

It has no water supply in many of its areas and the people here struggle day and night for the basic amenities of life. On entering, you will see the lanes are mostly untidy and extremely crowded and buzzing with activity with streets surrounded by small brick houses on both sides. Women can be seen washing clothes and dishes, sewing garments or simply chit-chatting away to glory.

This is the other side of delhi which cannot be ignored, some slums still exist while others are destroyed in the wake of the common wealth games, upcoming malls and buildings.
So, I think we should be grateful for the roof over our head. 

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